ISSP Fotogrāfijas skolas absolventu noslēguma izstāde Pazaudēts / Atrasts galerijā NOASS, Rīga, 2015

ISSP School Graduate Exhibition "Lost / Found" in gallery "NOASS", Riga, 2015


Personālizstāde Mūsu mājas stāsti Siguldas novada kultūras centra izstāžu zālē, 2015

Solo exhibition "Stories of Our House" in Sigulda Cultural Centre Exhibition Hall, 2015


Mūsu mājas stāsti: kāzas, 8 mm filma no Gāles ielas 15 mājas iedzīvotāju personīgajiem arhīviem (1980.-tie gadi)

"Stories of Our House: Wedding", 8 mm film from Gales street 15 resident personal archives (1980's)


Mūsu mājas stāsti: pilngadības svētki, 8 mm filma no Gāles ielas 15 mājas iedzīvotaju personīgajiem arhīviem (1976.gads)

"Stories of Our House: Celebration of 18th Birthday", 8 mm film from Gales street 15 resident personal archives (1976)

"We leave something behind in every place we say goodbye to. A part of us stays there even when we have left. And there is always something we can find only when we return to the place where we have spent a part of our lives – our home."

"Stories of Our House" is an interpretation about what has happened and what has been experienced in the house I grew up and still live in. The white two floor building on Gales street 15 (previously known as Suvorova street) is the first apartment building built in Sigulda post war (1957). It was built by Sigulda Rūpkombināts employees in honor of Siguldas 750th birthday and it has been inhabited by multiple generations of woodworkers, tailors and weavers. I'm dedicating this exibition to Sigulda and my great grandmother Olga Vilhelmīne Ķirule – Siguldas best seamstress!

Thank you to Sigulda City Council, Sigulda Cultural Centre and association "Sigulda Arts Serpentine" for their support in preparing the exhibition. A special thank you to Andris Alviķis!







The complete audio "Story of Our House" from year 1957 to 2016 (LV)

Skatīt Mūsu mājas stāstu no 1957. līdz 2016.gadam (LV)


Audio pasaka par manu vecvecmāmiņu Olgu Vilhelmīni Ķiruli (LV)

Audio fairy tale about my great grandmother Olga (LV)

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